5 Daily Exercises So You Don’t Rust

Published by Vicki on

How does your body feel on a day to day basis? Energized? Tight? Strong? Achy? You have probably noticed that working in a repetitive position can not only cause you back and joint pain, it also drains your inspiration and motivation.

If you’ve been thinking that all these aches and pains are popping up out of nowhere, or they are “just part of getting older” you’re probably not seeing the whole picture. In fact, there is a name for it in physical and massage therapies – Upper or Lower Crossed Syndrome. Basically, being hunched over a task – housework, computer work, driving, manufacturing etc… – causes specific muscles in your upper and lower back to become strained or permanently injured.

Check out the video below to find out:

1 – What “Upper Crossed and Lower Crossed Syndrom” is and how it affects you

2 – 5 Simple Exercises to help counteract the effects of repetitive tasks

3 – How to gently guide your body into better posture and more strength

So rather than quitting your job, going on strike from housework, or swearing off mobile devices, there is a solution. Find out how to counteract the daily drudgery with a few gentle exercises that will keep your body, mind and spirit strong and flexible. Don’t let your body stiffen up like the tin man!


I’m Vicki Wiepking - a wellness coach, writer and teacher. I love to play outdoors and try not to take anything too seriously - myself especially. I work with busy women who are ready to start a new lifestyle, let go of negative thinking and basically anything else that is weighing them down. I help my clients embrace their best selves and stop listening to the voice that makes them self-sabotage. Yeah, we all have that little voice - and I'll help you make it work for you instead of against you! I have always been a student of alternative health and wellness, and wanted to find a way to combine my love of nutrition, essential oils, yoga, and nature into a productive lifestyle for myself. I started a wellness coaching practice and began working with clients over 15 years ago. Through the years I observed first hand how women specifically needed help in their daily lives on not just physical, but emotional and psychological levels as well. So, I developed the Mind Body Blueprint. It is designed to help busy women achieve their health and fitness goals. But first, a few things about me.... - I love doing laundry.  No ironing, and I don’t really separate colors.  My hubby doesn’t let me touch his clothes.  Maybe that’s why I like it… - I take bubble baths almost every night.  Sanctuary time for sure. - I turn the music up in the car and sing real loud. You do it too, I've seen you. - My favorite shows: Gone with the Wind – Scarlett rocks.  Grace and Frankie – because I love laughing and crying at the same time. - Cooking calms me down…until I get too many things going at once and wreck something.  It all tastes good in the end usually. - Thanks to my yoga practice I can still do the splits and a pretty good handstand.  Cartwheels optional. My hubby and I are obsessed with outdoor adventures. You might find us whitewater rafting, skiing or relaxing on the beach - depending on the season.